LaLiga Valores y Oportunidad present at the “XIV Meeting of Professional Football Club Foundations”

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The XIV Meeting, held on November 25th, 2021 in Valencia and co-organized by the Valencian Football Club, has been a particularly exciting event for everyone, as it means recovering the presence after long months of pandemic.

The Meetings of Professional Football Club Foundations are an important date on the agenda, eagerly awaited and ideal for sharing experiences and identifying common challenges for all club foundations and the FUNDACION LaLiga itself.
The main objective is to promote the creation of an optimal space to share experiences, multiply collaboration between clubs/foundations and learn from each other.
The LaLiga Valores y Oportunidad (LaLiga Values and Opportunity) program had a representative space under the presentation EL IMPACTO DEL DEPORTE PARA EL DESARROLLO: PROYECTO LALIGA VALORES Y OPORTUNIDAD (THE IMPACT OF SPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT: LALIGA VALUES AND OPPORTUNITY PROJECT).

Pablo Malavé was in charge of developing this presentation in which he highlighted the characteristics of our program as an effective strategy of social intervention, which uses sport and physical activity in order to achieve explicit objectives of peace and development, and in particular those referred to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through the creation of socio-sports schools, according to the objectives, needs and strategic geographic arrangement impacting the largest number of our population.

Pablo also mentioned the milestones achieved in this complicated period, such as the creation of a new online teaching dynamic, a mandatory change due to COVID-19, and positively received by the students, generating good results; the development of the program in prisons, affecting 40,000 prisoners in a stage of trust who provide social services to the community and have made 22,000 textiles for our program, obtaining prison benefits.

Finally, he also pointed out the absence of conflicts in the development of the large number of activities carried out on the campuses and in the schools already inaugurated, as well as the international recognition received by the program with the Premio Internacional de Juventud (International Youth Award), within the framework of the last Cumbre de Jefes de Estado de Iberoamérica (Summit of Heads of State of Ibero-America), through the Organismo Internacional de la Juventud (International Youth Agency).

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